Chuon Nath - Khmer Dictionary Version 2.0 (Unicode Version)
Chuon Nath – Khmer Dictionary Version 2.0 (Unicode Version). Buddhist Institute in Cambodia has officially released their new version of Khmer electronic dictionary verson. 2.0 on June 2nd, 2009. This is the latest version from version 1.0. Its features are much more better comparing to the old version, Chuon Nath Dictionary v.1.0.
To use this dictionary you need type words in Unicode format. For this dictionary version the Unicode fonts will be installed automatically while installing the dictionary. To start typing words as Unicode in the dictionary, you need to change the keyboard language in the taskbar on the bottom-right-corner next to the clock. Just choose CA Catalan or you can change using keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift keys.
This latest of dictionary is the open source software which is free to share to all people.
Please try this dictionary today and you can download this Chuon Nath – Khmer Dictionary Version 2.0 (Unicode)